Introducting Children To Performing ArtsIntroducting Children To Performing Arts

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Introducting Children To Performing Arts

My child has been a dancing diva since the day she could walk. There is certainly nothing shy about her. Because she is so self-confident and interested in showing off to anyone who will watch her, I decided that she should have some exposure to performing arts. I have created this blog because I wanted others to see her journey through the different types of arts on offer. Dance and theatre are just two subjects she has been exposed to, and my blog posts offer tips on how to encourage your own child to try the different arts available. These arts add so much culture and enjoyment to a child's life that they must be explored.



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Why Ballet Is The Perfect Activity To Enroll Your Children In

Being an active parent can be a very challenging task at times. From organising schooling, monitoring homework, organising social activities and then worrying about all the adult problems in your life there can be little time to think about what extra-curricular programs you can enrol your child into. From sports to music and everything in between, there are so many options out there that it can be tough to even begin considering which one to choose. Many parents overlook kids ballet classes, which is a shame because there are several inherent advantages that ballet will offer your kids. Here are three clear benefits of kids ballet. 

Exercise, But Fun!

There are so many modern distractions that keep your kids inside that it can be tough to encourage them to get active. Simply taking them for walks and trips to the park can get old, so an activity is very important to focus them. Kids ballet provides them with an outlet to exercise while not realising that is what they are doing. It is also far less dangerous than many of the common sports you will find in Australia like rugby, AFL or even cricket. From cardio and endurance training to muscle strength, ballet offers it all and they won't even realise its happening.

Train The Mind And Body

Ballet is a very precise form of art that requires immense dedication to reach elite levels. Of course, your child will not be expected to perform The Nutcracker on their first day, but the same disciplines are taught to every age and they instil a lot of the core values that the very best ballet dancers adhere to. For children that are less interested in sport, but also don't like instruments very much, ballet can be the perfect creative outlet. It can also have a very good impact on their school performance as it teaches them good habits such as practice, concentration and determination, in addition to the creative juices it will spark.


Kids ballet is fun for children because they have a whole host of friends they can do it with. This socialisation aspect is very important for children, especially for those who perhaps don't seem to find that at school. Many children make lifelong friends in these very classes, especially if the two both end up pursuing ballet into high school and further. You never know, you might make a few friends with the other parents watching as well.

If you're interested in signing your child up for kids ballet classes, reach out to a local performing arts centre.