Introducting Children To Performing ArtsIntroducting Children To Performing Arts

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Introducting Children To Performing Arts

My child has been a dancing diva since the day she could walk. There is certainly nothing shy about her. Because she is so self-confident and interested in showing off to anyone who will watch her, I decided that she should have some exposure to performing arts. I have created this blog because I wanted others to see her journey through the different types of arts on offer. Dance and theatre are just two subjects she has been exposed to, and my blog posts offer tips on how to encourage your own child to try the different arts available. These arts add so much culture and enjoyment to a child's life that they must be explored.



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Two Tips for New Dancers Who Want to Get Fitter

Being physically fit is a crucial component of being a good dancer, as it allows you to perform even the most energetic of dance routines with ease and grace. If you're a new dancer and need to get fitter in order to accomplish your dance-related goals, here are some tips to follow.

Look out for fitness class packages at your local gym

Rather than just signing up for a specific spin class or aerobics class, you should instead find out if your local gym offers fitness class packages. These types of packages normally allow you to do a variety of fitness classes over the course of each month that you're signed up to them. Being able to pick and choose from a range of fitness classes will be of more use than just doing one type of class, as you'll have the chance to challenge yourself physically in different ways at each class. This will help you to become a more well-rounded dancer.

For example, Zumba and spin classes are fantastic for enhancing cardiovascular fitness and so will improve your stamina when you're doing longer dance routines or very intense dancing drills. However, classes such as pilates are far more effective than Zumba or spin classes at strengthening your core muscles. Taking these, in addition to the other classes, will help you to perform better in any dance routines where you're working with a partner and need to lift them or be lifted yourself (as lifts require lots of core strength). Last but not least, choosing a fitness package that also includes yoga classes will do wonders for your flexibility, which will, in turn, allow you to increase your range of motion when you're dancing and allow you to do more impressive versions of the dance moves that require flexibility.

Base your choice of fitness classes each week on the type of dancing you're doing at the time

If you sign up for a fitness class package, you should select the classes you'll take each week based on the type of dancing you'll be doing during that period, with the aim of ensuring that these classes support your efforts to be a great dancer.

For example, if you're doing some highly intense hip-hop dance routines one week, it might be best to take fairly gentle fitness classes, like yoga and pilates, during those days. These classes, which don't expend as much energy as aerobic-based classes, will ensure that you have enough energy for your dance classes, but will still allow you to pack some flexibility and strength-boosting sessions into the week.